Jim Day

Two weeks ago Jim Day, the former councillor for Tilehurst, passed away. Jim was renowned in Tielhurst as a hard working councillor who always managed to sort out residents’ problems. He was devoted to Tilehurst.

Jim fought in the seond world war serving in the RAF as an aircrew gunner. He entered politics in the sixties, winning a local election in Tilehurst in 1964 and serving as a councillor for the next 40 years winning election after election to Borough and County councils.

In 1964 he began circulating Council Topics leaflets around the ward. It was the first time that Tilehurst residents got to know what their councillors were doing on their behalf in between elections. They always concentrated, as Jim also did, on local issues and Council Topics, produced three or four times a year has been going strong ever since. We had just sent edition 181 to the printers when Paddy phoned to give me the sad news. We are proud to carry on the tradition that Jim started.

As a councillor Jim has helped so many people in and around Tilehurst with all sorts of problems. Over the years he built up a huge reputation for helping people in Tilehurst to the point that even now, some 10 years since he stood down from the council, when we go knocking on doors in Tilehurst there are still so many residents who remember the energetic councillor who got those potholes filled, who blocked off the end of Walnut Way to make The Triangle safer for pedestrians, who wangled invitations to Buckingham Palace for residentswho had done a lot of charity work in Tilehurst. Above all they remember a warm-hearted councillor whose integrity shone through.

There are many of us who have tried to serve Tilehurst as well as Jim did but none of us will ever match Jim’s record of service. We really have lost a great servant of the people in Tilehurst.

Road Repairs in Tilehurst

Despite the financial situation the council’s annual summer road maintenance programme goes ahead and from the end of July and through August the following Tilehurst roads are due to be repaired.

Major Repairs:
Westwood Glen
Norcot Road (by junction with Pottery Road)
and The Meadway (New Lane Hill to St Michaels Road) if the money holds out.

Minor Repairs:
Armour Road
Halls Road

Beverley Road

Needless to say there are many other roads that need at least minor repairs but the budget only strateches so far.

Not all repairs are effective, witness the large pothole in Walnut Way which was filled in last April and a few months later just re-appeared.
Whether it was down to the high rainfall and storms over the last few months or whether it was just shoddy work by the contractors I do not know but such work does not represent good value for money.

Labour’s Planning Gain

Last Wednesday I had the pleasure of attending my first meeting of the Planning Applications Committee – and very droll and boring it was too. However, one gem dropped out of a discussion on the next phase of the Kennet Island development.

I was shocked to see that officers were recommending that of the 546 homes to be built, just 19 were set aside as affordable (social) housing. The developers had apparently negotiated with the council a payment of £3m after the houses were built for the council to build its own housing elsewhere. When I asked why this should be allowed, Cllr Pete Ruhemann, Labour chair of the committee, explained that this was common practice for developers to buy their way out of any commmittment to build social housing and was necessary to attract developers to our town.

Just think about it for a minute, a developer with a huge new development which, even if they make an average of just £50,000 profit on each home will bring in £27m, is offering £3m to Reading which which it may be able to build (if Labour ever did build any new council housing) perhaps 30-35 units. Add in the 19 social housing units actually being built and you can see that wonderful Labour, whose main aim in life is apparently to support the poor and the vulnerable, have managed to squeeze 54 social housing units out of the 546 being built, a rate of 10% of the new build.

Given the 9,000 odd names on waiting lists in Reading and Labour’s committment to affordable housing, this is a complete disgrace. This is how Labour support the poor and needy in Reading. Cllr Ruhemann and the Labour Party should hang their heads in shame. Labour cannot be trusted on housing and they are guilty of obvious porkies over the last few years about their support for affordable housing.

Update on Roadworks in Tilehurst

I have received notification of the following roadworks in Tilehurst over the coming week:

Vodafone are installing a new telephone mast in Dark Lane about 100m up from Overdown Road for a week from 6 June and will be using temporary traffic lights and causing posssible delays.

Thames Water will be working in Blundells Road from 8-12 June.

Thames Water are also planning some minor work in Church End Lane from 6-8 June.

Thames Water will be working in Halls Road from 7-11 June, again only minor works.

Southern Gas will be working outside The Bird In Hand, Lower Armour Road, from 12-19 June.

Thames Water will be working in Savernake Close from 7-11 June.

Thank You Tilehurst

You may have noticed that I stopped working on this blog during the election campaign. It was just one thing too much for me whilst organising the campaign in Tilehurst.

However, the election campaign in Tilehurst proved to be a stunning success for the Lib Dems and for Meri O’Connell who topped the poll with a 300 majority, overturning the Tory majority of 200 last year. The full result is on the Council website at http://www.reading.gov.uk/electionsdata/2012/local/staticscoreboard.asp

It was certainly a tough and hard fought campaign but the work paid off in the end and I am sure that Meri will be an excellent councillor for Tilehurst, following on a long line of Liberal and Lib Dem councillors since Jim Day first won a seat in 1964. Jim is still mentioned on the doorstep by residents who remember the tremendous work he put in as a local councillor in Tilehurst for 40 years.

Incidentally, it was Jim who also started circulating our Council Topics leaflets in 1964. Nearly 50 years later they are still going strong and as popular as ever. Another great Tilehurst tradition.

Anyway, thank you Tilehurst for another Lib Dem success and both Meri and I will carry on working for local residents wherever we can help.

Thank you.

Road maintenance

The Council’s Traffic Management Advisory Panel (TMAP) meets tonight to approve the highway maintenance programme for the coming year 2012-13. Tilehurst residents will be pleased to know that it includes resurfacing Westwood Glen and also a section of Norcot Road that leads uphill into the junction with Pottery Road.

If money holds out then the council will also resurface Meadway bewteen New Lane Hill and St Michaels Road as well as the bit of Tilehurst Road by Honey End Lane that was strangely missed out last year.

The council also proposes to carry out minor repairs to Armour Road (something that we pointed out needed doing some time ago).

The footpaths along Beverley Road leading up from Westwood Road will also be resurfaced.

This is all part of a £2m annual plan to maintain Reading’s roads, a sum that really only allows the council to tackle the worst stretches of roads and footpaths.

Right royal battle with the monarchists

This week’s council meeting saw the Tories propose a motion congratulating HM The Queenon her Diamond Jubilee and offering loyal greetings and congatulations on behalf of the Councillors and citizens of Reading.

Suffice to say that I am anything but a loyal subject of Her Majesty and I definitely don’t do sycophantic grovelling. Here is my response to the Tory motion:

Without wishing to dowse the flames of patriotic celebrations being called for by Cllr Willis, I would like to point out that not all of us are quite so willing to be loyal subjects of Her Majesty.

We in the Liberal democrats have no party line on the monarchy so my views are mine
alone, I cannot speak for the party on this matter.

I am a democrat, an atheist and therefore also a republican. Now I know that Brits hate
rocking boats and it is not good form to admit to being a republican in this country but
nobody has ever yet convinced me that an hereditary monarchy has any place in a
democracy in the 21st century. So I will not be joining Cllr Willis in sending ‘loyal greetings’ as I could never be loyal to an hereditary monarch and retain my democratic ideals.

I have spent endless time supporting and campaigning for equality; equality of colour, race, gender, sexual orientation, equality of opportunity, so how can I with one breath shout hurrah for equality, democracy and civil rights and in that same breath shout God Save the Queen. I cannot equate democracy with an hereditary monarchy…period.

I am not sure that here and now at this late hour are necessarily the place and time for a full scale debate on the monarchy and it would not be a sensible way to spend our time as elected representatives of the people of Reading.

But I would like to record my views, and I am sure I am not the only one to hold them in this town of Reading, and to vote against this motion.

I was, of course, alone in voting against the motion, although the two Green councillors abstained. From comments received after the meeting there are a significant number of people in Reading who agree with my thoughts on the monarchy.

Lib Dems force changes to Reading’s budget

Together with my Lib Dem colleagues on the council we have got the Labour administration to amend their budget to include a couple of extra items to focus more resource on something that many rersidents are clearly worried about, namely the state of our streets.

The Lib Dem amendment uses money from reserves to

* boost the anti-graffiti effort (£27k for an extra officer)
* put more effort into clearing up dog mess (£16k for an extra Dog Warden)
* avoid the proposed increase in the cost of 2nd parking permits (£18k)

Overall an additional £61,000 is being put to better use whilst keeping the reserves at the agreed £5m level and keeping the council tax bills at the same level as last year.

We have a continual struggle in Reading to keep our streets and public places clean and clear of litter and it does sadden me when you see graffiti, litter and dog mess all over the place. It is a constant theme at our ward surgeries.

Here in Tilehurst we do seem to be getting better at keeping our streets clean but only thanks to the efforts of the council’s Streetcare Team who clear up the area around The Triangle every morning. They are doing a pretty good job. It would help if people reported graffiti or litter or fly-tipping to the Streetcare Team on 0800 834035 or contact me and I will take action to get the mess cleared up.

Together we can smarten up our village and Reading as a whole.

33 Bus Route Changes – Again !

It has become clear now that Reading Buses are planning to change the route of the 33 bus permanently after the roadworks in Hildens drive are completed.

In reponse to complaints from residents of the far end of Chapel Hill and Westwood Glen all inbound journeys on route 33 will divert up Chapel Hill and down Westwood Glen. Outbound buses heading for the Birds Estate will continue to run the full length of Lower Elmstone Drive as they do currently.

I have already received a complaint from a resident of Lower Elmstone Drive who will now have a very long walk in order to catch a bus into town, although coming home will remain a much easier journey.

The roadworks in Hildens Drive are scheduled to take another 4 weeks or so.

Snow Clearing in Chieveley Close

Well we finally got our wintery downpour yesterday evening and woke up to several inches of snow.

With well-drilled military precision my neighbour over the road was up early and clearing the snow from around his drive sometime after 9 o’clock this morning. I joined around half past nine and soon we had half a dozen men and at least one woman clearing the road. By half past ten Chieveley Close had been cleared and we all retired for a well-earned cup of tea. The kids of course had been snowballing all along.

Well done the Chieveley crew.

I have to say that my wrists now ache and I am beginning to feel my age, or is it possibly just the fact that I live such a sedentary life that a wee bit of exercise feels like running a marathon.

Just had a strange thought, everyone this year has a proper snow shovel, much better at clearing fresh snow than the spades we all used last year. Thanks to C&G Hardware in School Road! They have been sold in the shops since the beginning of summer and finally we got to use them. What a difference they make.