Together with my Lib Dem colleagues on the council we have got the Labour administration to amend their budget to include a couple of extra items to focus more resource on something that many rersidents are clearly worried about, namely the state of our streets.
The Lib Dem amendment uses money from reserves to
* boost the anti-graffiti effort (£27k for an extra officer)
* put more effort into clearing up dog mess (£16k for an extra Dog Warden)
* avoid the proposed increase in the cost of 2nd parking permits (£18k)
Overall an additional £61,000 is being put to better use whilst keeping the reserves at the agreed £5m level and keeping the council tax bills at the same level as last year.
We have a continual struggle in Reading to keep our streets and public places clean and clear of litter and it does sadden me when you see graffiti, litter and dog mess all over the place. It is a constant theme at our ward surgeries.
Here in Tilehurst we do seem to be getting better at keeping our streets clean but only thanks to the efforts of the council’s Streetcare Team who clear up the area around The Triangle every morning. They are doing a pretty good job. It would help if people reported graffiti or litter or fly-tipping to the Streetcare Team on 0800 834035 or contact me and I will take action to get the mess cleared up.
Together we can smarten up our village and Reading as a whole.