Last week’s Traffic Management Advisory Panel (TMAP) discussed a brief report calling for a traffic study of the Tilehurst area to be made. As most residents already appreciate, there are some significant issue with traffic in Tilehurst, speeding along many roads, irresponsible parking, lack of crossings over some major roads, lack of facilities for cyclists and a general point that we give too much priority to cars in residential areas and we tend to forget about pedestrians and cyclists.
The council decided to set up a traffic study to look at the various issues in Tilehurst and draw up suggested solutions where feasible. The study will involve myself and the other Tilehurst Ward councillors.
I have raised Tilehurst traffic issues on numerous occasions in the past and I took the opportunity to report on the recent survey we did around the Elvaston Way and Hardwick Road area where we found that 89% of residents who responded to our survey (and over 120 of you did – out of some 400 properties) were in favour of a 20mph zone in their area. We think that 20mph zones should be the norm in residential areas. However the council is still dragging its feet on implementing then even though there is a wealth of statistics to support such a move. Follow this link to see some of them:
I look forward to participating in the new study although with the current council administration I am less than optimistic about concrete action any time soon.