Reading’s Labour Council are putting up charges for car parks in Tilehurst. Not a huge issue you might think, but they are also going to end the current first hour’s free parking which allows shoppers to park in Tilehurst, behind the Co-Op or in Dunstall Close, do their shopping and avoid paying anything for the car park. It has been a great boon for shopkeepers in Tilehurst to have this first hour free for their customers whilst preventing other motorists from filling up the car park and jumping on a bus into town as used to happen, leaving no space for shoppers.
We really thought we had won a major battle two years ago when we got the council to agree to the first hour being free and this is a real blow to Tilehurst traders. Needless to say I have taken this up with the council and am awaiting a reply.
I will keep you informed.
Meantime the shopkeepers and Tilehurst Globe have a petition on the matter which you can sign in any of the shops in School Road.
See previous posts at and