I was really saddened to see the newspaper headlines over the weekend, dominated as they were by two big stories.
Firstly, the chrages being brought against three Labour MPs and one Tory peer for fiddling expenses. These must be really the worst of the offenders, given that the Tory MPs who claimed for duck houses and moats did not warrant any such criminal charges. There is little left to be said about this scandal, other than many more criminal acts have been perpetrated than just those that have led to cahrges against only four people. There are far too many who have got off lightly. Then there is the issue of the four facing charges claiming that they are covered by Parliamentary Privilege, a centuries old law that was designed to protect free speech in Parliament, not for use by miscreants to cover their backsides. Simply by raising the prospect of hiding behind ancient legislation shows how low the morals of thes folk has sunk.
Secondly the story of the largest donor to the Conservative Party and his tax status which has been running for a long time already. Michael Ashcroft is a prominent businessman who made his fortune in Belize where the tax climate for business is so free and easy. Ashcroft promised to become domiciled in the UK before being made a Tory peer and entering the House of Lords. His tax status is also impoprtant as you cannot legally donate to a UK political party unless you are a tax payer in the EU. His donations to the Tories run into many millions of £s over several years, and he is currently funding Tory campaigns in their key marginal seats, including Reading West. Recently the Information Commissioner has also criticised the secrecy around the deal that allowed him to enter the Lords as this has never yet been made public.
See Monday’s Guardian article at http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/feb/08/lord-ashcroft-tax-status-uk
Anyone who doubts the power of Ashcroft money should see the glossy leaflets raining down on Tilehurst. Two through my letterbox within last few days.
All in all a bad weekend for anyone who believes in democracy and equal rights.