The Lead Councillor for Transport has once again demonstrated how arrogant Labour politicians never actually listen to local people. Cllr Tony Page has just announced his decision to implement charging for car parks in Dunstall Close and Recreation Road. There has been no consultation with local councillors, no notice, just a decision announced. I and my colleagues, Cllrs Pete Beard and Chris Harris are incensed at this heavy handed and outrageous move.
We have told officers that, following our recent Residents Surveys, lots of residents were in favour of charging for long stay parking, more than 2-3 hours, in these car parks as they are denying space to the people for whom the car parks were designed, the shoppers.
What the council have come up with is a decision to charge everyone who uses the car opark, even if they only park for a few minuites to use a cash machine or buy a paper. This is a nonsense and Tilehurst residents will not support it.
We are calling in this decision for re-consideration at Cabinet where we hope reason will prevail.